Face Reading vs Astrology
Both Face Reading and Astrology are studying the “Man”, some people supposed that there is no different in their results. Some even say that Astrology is more accurate than Face Reading. Does it correct?
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How to change the style of the face
In the previous topic, “Man” is more important than “Land” in my conclusion, but how does we can change “Man” in face reading?
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Feng Shui vs Face Reading
Last 10 years, there were a lot of people learning Feng Shui, they believed that they could depend on Feng Shui to change their fortune. They also believed that they would have a bright future once they keep on their positive thinking. Does it that easy?
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Sequence of 5 schools in Chinese metaphysic
Most of the people step into the Chinese metaphysic door will find out the sequence of the 5 schools: - Mountain 山(Shan), Medical 醫(Yee), Augury 卜(Bok), Astrology星(Sing) and Face Reading相(Shen).
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In the Chinese astrology field, most of the people would hear about one of my classmates, Wai Chin Ley 韋千里( in mandarin, Wei Qian Li ) , he has written several astrology books, a lot of late learners were trying to interpret his skills after he died.
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