Surfing on Chinese metaphysic over 40 years –25
從歷代帝皇姓氏談起 Based on ... qid=20051212000014KK20900 website, we can see the last name of the Kings at China in different dynasties as the following lists,
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Most of the people in Feng Shui field willing to be the representative of Master Yang from time to time.
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Universe has it own ways, it starts and it ends.
Through this process, we will figure out inside the 3 Choi, Sky, land and man. Sky and land will flow as it is; only man is different and trying to change the designation. We will develop and invent a lot of methods to change our sky and land. But sky and land don’t prevent us make those changes. Let’s call these sky and land as universe.
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Since the technology change to the century of internet, everything change, a new system is coming out which make a lot of people feel uncomfortable. On the same time, it also creates other new treasurers.
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