My Feng Shui researches 7 - Master Tseng Tsz Nam曾子南 (1907-2006)
If you are study “Yuen Hoong玄空”, you would hear about a Taiwanese Master, Tseng Tsz Nam曾子南 (1907-2006). He was another master who used the long distance method to teach his students in this generation.
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My Feng Shui researches 6 - Master Tam Yeung Ng 談養吾
Chinese has an old saying, “Good quality master will generate good student 名師出高徒”. We talked about Master Yau Sick Yum尤惜陰 in last article; we can not omit his master, Tam Yeung Ng談養吾.
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My Feng Shui researches 5 - Master Yau Sick Yum尤惜陰
Master Yau Sick Yum尤惜陰 was born in around 1872 and died at 1957. He was a teacher and writer before he became as a monk. “The new case study for house Feng Shui” was the name of his Feng Shui book.
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My Feng Shui researches 4 - Master Kong San Sau 江慎修
“Tracking the root and finding its original source 追本尋源” is every serious master should need to do. It can help us fully inherit the treasure from our previous masters and let our future students can follow our foot steps to find the previous masters’ wisdom, we call it Shing Sin Kai Hou 承先啟後 in Chinese. It is not every master has this ability do it; only a few real masters could achieve this goal. We have a slang said, “Once you get into the Feng Shui door, you will feel as deep as the ocean, if you are not a real man then don’t enter into it. 輿門一入深似海, 不是真人莫進來.” The master I introduce today is the one.
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My Feng Shui researches 3 - Master Li Mak Cai李默齋 Grave
Confucian said, “「聽其言、觀其行」Listen to what is said and observe the conduct.” It also can be comprehended as “Listen to what the master teaches and verify with his works”.
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