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Posted by admin_issac on 2008/4/9 20:32:22 (2179 reads)
Everyone would like to learn the true and real Feng Shui, but based on the normal concepts to select a master always will make a wrong selection. In this episode, Master Chung will discuss his points of view with you.

For further information, please visit http://www.royalacademicinstitute.com

In last episode we talk about Master Chang. Although he was famous in Feng Shui field and most of the Feng Shui master admit that his knowledge is real and true, I bet you would not learn from him if you born in the same generation with him.

It is because most of you will base on the economic point of view to judge which master you will follow. One is how many students the master has, second is how faster you can graduate. Third is how rich the master is.

Let's see what Master Chang said in his book. "My father forced me to learn Feng Shui in my early age before 14; I spent 10 years of time to learn it from him and spent another 10 years to practice it around China to verify my learning. After verification, I spent another 10 years to fully understand the flexibility change of Feng Shui. I was getting old after these 30 years. My purpose of learning Feng Shui was finished after I burial my parent. I was no more interesting in Feng Shui. I wished that I could teach my knowledge to the other people, but there were a universal law of Feng Shui govern me that who could teach and who could not teach. Based on this law, I only recruited 6 students; they were Cheung Hau Lim, Lok Hau Lim, Lui Man Hau, Keung Yiu, Wu Tai Ching, But Kai Yuen. They were not using Feng Shui to make their living; they were following the Universal law of Feng Shui and kept my linage. Whenever I saw the people who were using Feng Shui to earn their living, I was so sympathy for them and thinking to teach them my knowledge, but I could not. There were no written on my Feng Shui knowledge, only taught by mouth. For those written information of Feng Shui, half of them were misleading. That was why I published "Day Lay Pin Ching" to show you the right path.

In Master Chang's written, his linage only has 6 students, would you think you will learn from him if he teaches you? No should be the answer.

Master Chang spent 30 years in learning Feng Shui, do you think that he will let you graduate in 4 days or a week? If not, then would you think you will learn from him? No should be the answer.

Master Chang's student, Keung Yiu, wrote in his notes that he gave 2000 dollars for master Chang to buy the land to burial Chang's parent. It reflected that Master Chang did not have the money. He was not rich. You also would not learn Feng Shui from Master Chang.

Does our way of judgement has something wrong or Master Chang's students are stupid?

  僕弱冠失恃,先大父安溪公習地理之學,求之十年,而始得其傳。乃以所傳遍證之大江南北古今名墓,又十年而始會其旨,從此益精求之 ,又十年而始窮其變。而#0000#;年則已老矣,姚水親隴告成生平學地理之志已畢,自此不復措意,夫豈不欲傳之其人。然天律有禁,不得妄傳 ,苟非忠信廉潔之人,未許與聞一二也。丹陽張孝廉仲馨,丹徒駱孝廉士鵬,山陰呂文學相烈,會稽姜公子垚,武陵胡公子泰徵,淄川畢 解元世持,昔以文章行業相師,因得略聞梗概。此諸君子,或丹穴鳳雛,或青春鶚薦,皆自置甚高,不可一世。蓋求其道以庇本根,非挾 其術以為壟斷,故能三緘其口,不漏片言,庶不負僕之講求爾。若夫中人以下,走四方求衣食者,僕初未嘗不憐之。然欲冒禁而傳真道, 則未敢許也。至於僕之得傳,有有訣無書,以此事貴在心傳,非可言罄。古書充棟,半屬偽造,故有辨正一書,昌言救世;後復自言所得 ,作《天元五歌》,然皆蒙莊所謂糟粕,必求精微則亦不在此也,此外別無秘本私為一家之書。近聞三吳兩浙都有自稱得僕真傳以自衒鬻 者,亦有自撰偽書,指為僕之秘本以瞽惑後學者。天地之大,何所不容?但恐偽託之人心術鮮正,以不正之術謀人身家,必誤人身家;以 不正之書傳之後世,必貽禍於後世!僕不忍不辨,惟有識者察之。

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Posted by admin_issac on 2008/4/7 18:22:37 (2249 reads)
In Feng Shui history, there are some famous masters, who they are? In this episode, Master Issac Chung(http://www.ucway.com/facereading/html/modules/content/ index.php?id=4) will tell you.

For more information, please visit http://www.royalacademicinstitute.com

We talk about famous masters in the last episode; I would like to continue talk about famous Feng Shui masters in this episode. What I mean famous is not we say famous, it is from time to time, the master has did a lot of things that benefit the Feng Shui field. In the Feng Shui history, there are 4 famous masters, Master Yeung, Master Tseng, Master Liu, and Master Lai.

Master Tseng and master Liu is the students of Master Yeung, and Master Lai is the son in law of Master Tseng.

Before these 4 masters, there are Master Kwok and Master Koon. After these 4 masters, there are Master Chang and his followers.

There is one interest question for you to think, if your Feng Shui technique as good as this 4 famous master, do you try your best to make your offspring become as the King if you can?

After these 4 famous masters pass away, I check from the history, there are no king has these 4 last names.

Only I can find is Chiang Kai-Shek, the President of Twai Wan, whose birthplace and ancestral home was in Xikou, where is very near to Master Chang Tai Hung. Is there any relationship between them? If so, we should spend some more time into Master Chang's knowledge.

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Posted by admin_issac on 2008/4/5 18:53:58 (2181 reads)
To understand clear about Feng Shui history will help you to understand your destination in the future. In this episode Master Chung will tell you about the death of our grand Feng Shui Master Yeung Wan Chung.

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Posted by admin_issac on 2008/4/1 2:43:28 (2227 reads)
In this episode Master Chung will discuss about learning Feng Shui without a master. Does it works or not?

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Posted by admin_issac on 2008/3/31 0:44:56 (2253 reads)
In this episode Master Chung will discuss about the contents of the Feng Shui and give you a clear concept of what are the Feng Sh In this episode Master Chung will discuss about the contents of the Feng Shui and give you a clear concept of what are the Feng Shui studying.

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