Luen Tau (巒頭Form School) & Ley Hei (理氣Compass School) is always like a couple in Feng Shui, we cannot separate it. But from time to time, there are some argument between which one is more import than the other.
Despite what other masters said, I have a better solution to make you understand which one is more important during the comparison.
Before my explanation, I would like to tell you a story.
Long time ago, I saw a Feng Shui master was consulting a fish man’s boat Feng Shui, he measured with a Chinese compass and pointing to a corner of the boat, he advised the fish man to move his stove to that corner because this is the treasure corner of the boat. He also point to another corner and advised the fish man move the bedroom to the other end. After a moment, the fish man was happy with those advice and Feng Shui master was happy leaving with his consulting charge.
Have you seen anything wrong with this event you saw?
I could not hold my laughing during that moment I saw.
I was surprised that the boat could be in all different direction due to the current flow, how could the master have an accurate measurement to arrange the fish man’s furniture placement? It should a joke.
Although I have read Master Yau’s Feng Shui book - “New case studies on house Feng Shui (宅運新案)”, it had a case study on a ship Feng Shui event. He explained the event in flying stars theroy. It seems very make sense from his theory. But I don’t know whether he has considered the current will move the ship and the metal material of the ship will affect the direction of the compass on that moment.
If you expand my though to our earth, then our earth is like a boat, time like a current. Luen Tau is the basic organize of the space which let us have a convenient activities area without hassle. Ley Hei is the fashion which let the space have a modern look. Once the fashion gone, there are no more attraction and that kind of fashion become ugly. But if the interior is in good organize, it always make us more efficiency.
Like a palace, its design is elegant and comfortable, although it is an old fashion, but it still have its attraction.
If you agree with my point, Luen Tau (Form School) should be your first focus in Feng Shui learning.