99% of Feng Shui beginners who first step into the Feng Shui door would learn about the 8 Mansions Feng Shui (Ba Jar). But how many Feng Shui practitioners or masters still using this technique to doing the consulting is the question?
Why every Feng Shui students have learn this technique on the beginning? The only reason is very easy to get this kind of knowledge and which is most easy to understand. Therefore everyone can learn it in the morning, then become as a Feng Shui consultant in the afternoon.
Why is it so easy? It is because it separates all the house into eight direction, North, South, East, West, North West, South West, North East, South East.
From these 8 direction, it divides into 2 groups, one is East 4 Mansions, the other is West 4 Mansions. The organized method just need to be place the important area into its group, then the Feng Shui of house are perfect.
But how to determine the house belong to which kinds of mansion, it has a lot of arguments, some masters use the house sitting but other use house facing, some use the main door while the other use window. One use the water but other use the mountain. This master use the 8 sections of compass to determine but other use 24 sections of compass to determine.
Who is right and who is wrong is very hard to judge for a beginner.
May be some of the practitioners will laugh and said, “I haven’t used it for a long time, because it is too easy and not function.” Are you also have this kind of thinking?
If so, 8 mansion method was not working, why there are so many case study left in the Feng Shui books? Does those masters are cheating us?
To answer this question we need to back to the basic, this Feng Shui technique is based on what kind of concepts to develop?
Most of you will quickly answer me that it comes from 8 trigrams, right?
But let me ask you what kind of theory is not coming from 8 trigrams?
If you are deep enough in Feng Shui, you will know one of most important technique is called, “pure Yin and pure Yang method 淨陰淨陽”. This method is putting the Yin in Yin position and Yang in Yang position. Its original idea is coming from the getting position and losing position of Ngaau 爻 in I Ching.
It is quite easy you can read the following text from the ancent Feng Shui books, “ …, It also has the pure Yin and pure Yang method, its front and back is not suitable to mix up on 8 feet. … , … Yang dragon Yang facing has water flow to the Yang. ...
….更有淨陰淨陽法,前後八尺不宜雜。… 陽龍陽向水流陽。...”
Whether this method is right or wrong is not our discussion, but the most important point I would like to mention about is you need to know where are the original concept of the theory coming from.
Without knowing about it, hard to determine whether this method is right or wrong.