From the “Heaven Jade Bible 天玉經” have say, “The top method is matching 4 Gods, the position in the government will never end. 依得四神為第一,官職無休歇。”
In the ancient China, became as a governor was the first choice for most of students. It is because our society has 4 levels, “Governor, Farmer, Manufacturer, and Businessman. 士農工商”. Governor is the top level.
By that means, once you are getting into top level of society, you have a successful life. But how can we do that? The key is finding out what is these “4 Gods”!
Feng Shui have a lot of these conundrums, learning feng shui is a kind of decode conundrum game.
One of the fake architecture Feng Shui master have said, he do not believed there are only one interpretation of the I Ching’s sentence is correct. It seems his conclusion is correct if you are not thinking carefully.
From time to time there are so many people try to interpret the Original meaning of the I Ching, it depends on their level of understanding. I have no question about this fake master saying because he is confusing with those interpretations.
I only believe there are only one interpretation is correct, that is the original meaning of the writer himself. If you cannot get the original meaning of the writer, your way of understanding will lead you to the wrong direction.
If you have read the Chinese literature, you will find there are a lot of responsible writers stated that they didn’t want to write a book of Chinese literature in their young age, because they are afraid they will be regret at their old age.