Will this counteract the 因果報應 resulting from 洩漏天機. (Part 2)To answer the above question, we can separate因果, 報應, 洩漏, and 天機into several conditions.
First of all, we need to know what is 天機. While I have shown the dictionary translation in the previous article, I will simply translate the word, 天機, as the “God’s Wish”.
How to determine that we fully understand “天機God’s Wish”?
In my humble opinion, we need to compare our knowledge and technique with our previous masters such as 郭璞Kwok Por, 楊筠松Yeung Wan Chung, 蔣大雄Chang Tai Hung, 李虛中Li Hui Chung, 徐子平Chui Tsz Ping, 金聖嘆Kam Sing Tan & etc. If our knowledge and technique did not reach their level, how can we claim we understood “天機God’s Wish”? Are we over estimating ourselves?
One of our previous masters, 金聖嘆Kam Sing Tan – a famous interpreter for the prediction book, “Push the back diagrams 推背圖”, and a good Chinese astrologer – knew he would die without complete body. Thus, he asked and discussed with other Chinese astrology experts but was unable to determine the actual incidents and conditions.
When he found the answer, he wrote 3 words,
“慘! 慘! 慘! Tragic! Tragic! Tragic!”, with his blood from being cut in half (“waist cutting” ordered by the King). Since then, the “waist cutting” punishment was forbidden by the King.
Even a knowledgeable metaphysic master such as 金聖嘆Kam Sing Tan could not know and avoid his destination, how can we dare to claim that we are understanding the “天機God’s Wish”?
Every time when I read his interpretation in “Push the back diagrams 推背圖”, his poor destination would float in front of me and warn me.
(………to be continued)
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