Chung’s “I – Ching 易經” 1 – IntroductionAfter “I Ching易經 “ appeared, it gave a lot of people have a mystery feeling. A lot of scholars tried their ways to open its mystery door for several thousands years, the interpretations are more than 3000 books.
Some of them just copy and paste the other’s opinions, or use their way of thinking to mislead the readers into the wrong direction. They are totally destroying the I-Ching cultures instead of contributing the I-Ching field, every time when I read those articles or books; I cannot stop myself to express my anger. As Confucius said, “The first guy who used the dummy to accompany the one's death, would he doesn’t have any offsprings? 始作俑者, 其無後乎?”
In the near future, I will write some articles related to I-Ching to share with you. I cannot say I am 100% correct, but just sharing what I knew about it, believe or not is totally up to you.
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