Face Reading For Health |
Health is our main asset. How to protect it is the big question. Many people will get regular checkups and exercise to protect their health. Our facial features can show where our weaknesses are. If we know the areas to work on, we can focus our attention there. From the basic Face Reading Health Seminar you will learn: Why we get sick. How to avoid sickness Facial features and our organs Sickness symptoms showing in our face Schedule: Daily from 10am to 4pm 1 section: 10:00am to 11:30am Tea break: 11:30am to 12:00pm 2 section: 12:00pm to 1:30pm Lunch break: 1:30pm to 2:30pm 3 section: 2:30pm to 4:00pm Syllabus Day 1 Ceremony Who is Master Issac Chung? What is face reading? How face reading benefit us? Rules & Ethic Why we get sick? How can we avoid sick. Method of Judgment. Day 2 System of our body. Face feature and our organ. Sickness symptom from our face. |
This article comes from Royal Academic Institute http://www.royalacademicinstitute.com/fengshui The URL for this story is: http://www.royalacademicinstitute.com/fengshui/modules/content/index.php?id=119 |